Animal and Pet First Aid Courses
Whether you are a pet owner or pet sitter or pet walker it is very useful to know some basic First Aid skills in case your pet falls ill or injures themselves.
Pet First Aid courses don’t replace the vet, however there are things that you can do before you get an animal to the vet that might help save its life, or help recovery. Did you know, for instance, that it is very rare for a vet to see a choking animal as they tend to not survive for long enough, but you can be taught the right technique to try and clear the blockage beforehand.

These courses are not intended to replace veterinary care, but are to manage any problems before you can get your animal to definitive care.
Pet First Aid training can be taken online or can be classroom-based with pet manikins for CPR practice as well as toy pets to practise bandaging, dechoking techniques etc.
Which Pet / Animal First Aid courses should I choose?
Use the following guide to see which First Aid course is suitable for your pet ownership or animal Business such as Dog Walker or Security dog owner. There are lots of different courses with different titles, so make sure it is right for your needs.
Click here to ask for a quotation for pet or animal First Aid Training courses.
The typical courses that you can choose as a pet owner / dog walker / security dog owner are:
Pet First Aid
A generic First Aid course for pet owners, whether they own cats, dogs, rabbits or other small breed
Dog First Aid
A First Aid course specific for dog owners or dog walking Business owners / employees
Pet First Aid for Pet Professionals
This course is tailored to those who work with pets and need to know comprehensive Pet First Aid. Our training will provide you with the confidence and knowledge to jump into action if an emergency were to occur.
Security dog First Aid
This type of course may be approved by NASDU for the requirement of pet first aid in their standards. First aid is important to know for your security dog not only to comply with associations and local authorities but also for animal welfare and to help a dog in need. The nature of working with dogs will pose a risk that they may be harmed in the course of their work or transport.
As there are so many types of course out there, get in touch and we will provide you with a Quotation for Pet first Aid Training. Remember, pet First Aid Training doesn’t replace professional veterinary care, but could prove to be vital in saving an animal’s life before that care arrives.
Online training for pet owners, dog walkers and security dog owners.